Animal Chiropractic

Spinal problems may occur from a problem elsewhere (e.g. lameness) or as a primary problem (e.g. injury or saddle fit / rider changes in horses).
The best way to ascertain the primary problem is to have a veterinary checkup before your chiropractic visit. Chiropractic does not replace traditional veterinary treatment but by adjusting the spine and relaxing the nervous system will often eliminate many causes of pain and discomfort without the need for symptom relief.
Chiropractic can be used to treat acute injuries as well as maintaining a healthy animal, whether for competitions or your beloved pet.
Equine Chiropractic
Working closely with the vet, chiropractor, farrier, dentist and saddler will be the best way to ensure long term management and performance of your horse.Rider position / balance - an unbalanced rider is very challenging as the horse is constantly compensating, this can develop uneven muscle tone and stiffness.
This is why it is so important for the horse and rider to have the correct posture and balance so they can compliment one another!

Reduced performance
Abnormal posture - top line off - hump, hollow back, dropped pelvis on walk / trot
Tack fitting problems - dislike being saddled
Insubordination when being ridden / jumping - not following verbal cues
Throwing head back / hollowing back when being ridden
slips / trips / falls / getting cast
Pull back injuries
Impact injuries
Swishing its tail / pinning back ears
Difficultly with collected or lateral gaits
Changes in behaviour
Frightened or painful facial expression
Sensitivity to touch

Canine Chiropractic
How to tell when your dog may benefit from bodywork – below are some typical indicators:Lameness or limb dragging
Reluctance to exercise
Uneven gait
Changes or deterioration in performance, behaviour or temperament
Stiffness or pain after exercise
Uneven muscle development
Signs of discomfort when their back is touched
Absence of resolution using conventional methods
For both dogs and horses these lists are by no means complete, when the spinal joints are not moving correctly, the nervous system goes into flight or flight mode and can cause a whole host of symptoms. By releasing the spinal dysfunction we allow the nervous system to function properly again, allowing the animal's body to heal itself.