Emir Lervy | Chiropractor
My family and I have been seeing a Chiropractor since we were children. After a severe bout of sciatica, which was relieved with chiropractic care, mum realised that it was easier to seek care preventatively.I used to ask a lot of questions on each visit and became very interested in how the nervous system sends messages to the body and how interference in this system can cause problems. I knew I wanted to help people get well and decided I wanted to become a Chiropractor. I attended the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic in Wales where I met my husband Jon.
I have always loved working with babies and kids so after graduating continued my education on pregnancy and paediatric chiropractic.
I love looking after pregnant women and reminding them that their body is made for the birthing process and regular gentle adjustments help the pelvis to stay in alignment for a quicker and more straightforward birth. This is desirable for both mum and baby.
So many babies are born in a stressed state due to a stressful pregnancy, prolonged labour or interventions. Of course sometimes these are needed but the baby is born with the flight or flight part of their nervous system activated and as a result don't like to settle. A few simple adjustments are often all that is needed to calm the baby again so their body can start to heal and grow accordingly.
We have a thriving family practice where clients of all ages get adjusted to keep themselves well for a lifetime. Both my children have been checked and adjusted regularly since birth and I get adjusted if needed once per week to keep me on top of my game to look after my lovely clients.

Jonathan Lervy | Clinic Manager
Having recevived chiropractic treatment since 2003 I have experienced first hand the benefits it has on my body.In 2016 I swapped a career in IT to join the family practice as Clinic Manager; as the point of contact for patients, providing marketing strategy and developing the clinic's Patient Management System.